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October 13, 2016 - Polo Exhibition


Polo at Salamander includes a unique and approachable club-style collection of arena lessons & games including:  Introductory Polo 101, Mounted Polo 201 with certified USPA instructor, and Social Polo Matches & Exhibitions.  Custom group offerings can feature on-site Pro-Am matches with a vibrant après polo, music and food & beverage experience, or offsite local outings. 

October 13, 2016 - Polo Exhibition

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October 13, 2016 - Polo Exhibition


October 13, 2016 - Group polo exhibition for 35 people at the Salamander arena for Samsung. Attn: The Vega Group, LLC

All inclusive polo match, Polo 101 intro & half-time audience shoot out. Graphic design and printing for custom items (ball, bag tag), small bags w/ tag, photography + link to download gallery. Upgraded polo lounge with 30x30 tent, furniture and decor

Payable here online ($13,255.80 price includes a 3% credit card convenience fee) or $12,871.10 payable by check onsite or mailed to:

Destination Middleburg - 2 W Washington St / PO Box 2113 - Middleburg, VA 20118

Any questions call: 703-727-4637

Thank You!

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